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Monday, 24 January 2011

drugs history

Ya bah (methamphetamine) remains the most popular, although Phuket Police recently warned that ya ice (crystal methamphetamine) is taking its place as the drug of choice among those who can afford it.

Both drugs are powerful stimulants linked to violence and crime, and both are highly addictive. While the police battle with the drug trade is well publicized, island hospitals are quietly treating addicts.


It's interesting to see how drugs have evolved. In the 70's people thought pot was the most evil drug there was. Then coke, then heroin, and now meth.
Meth is more addictive and dangerous than all drugs combined and then multiplied by 10. In the States meth and ice IS crystal meth. Here you have little pills, ya bah that are now being replaced by their big brother...crystal meth.
 If you thought the scourge of ya bah was bad, just wait. Either way, they are both "crazy medicine." My friend's brother was addicted to meth for 7 yrs.
Inevitably, like most of these addicts, he began to manufacture it because it's easy to cook. He's now clean, but it took a run in with the law.

4600 baht is a good price for local expats. In our respective home countries treatment would be 20 times that. For the local Thais I suspect this will be too high for them.

Putting people in prison for using drugs is pointless.
Users should get help and dealers should be banged up or get the death penalty because they are ruining peoples lives.
Ok we all have a choice supposedly, but it is not as easy as black and white for most people.
drugs in samui??

    i just had 4 joung OZ guys come back from samui!
    they did not like it and came back after being there only one day.
    and their main issue was: drugs everywhere!!

    is that true or did they just have a bad day?


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